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Task 1:

How can pictures be processed (manipulated) to create a certain impression? Find out about picture processing and how pictures can lie.

First, open <> in a second window (or tab). Now follow these steps:

a) Have a look at the picture pair a)  “the farmer and his biggest potato” (see "Sources") and find and note all the five differences.

b) Please have a look at the link b) “from a real woman to a digital woman” (see "Sources") and find three to five adjectives each that characterize the different appearances in the pictures.

c) Please have a look at the two links c) and d) and find out more about the possibilties of processing photographs. How can people be manipulated? Make this the main part of your presentation.

d) Please examine the pictures e) “The truth about the soldier” (see "Sources").
I) First, only watch picture 1! Write two or three sentences about what it shows.
II) Now scroll down to picture 2. Write two or three sentences about this picture.
III) Now scroll down to picture 3. As you can see, all three pictures tell the truth. Or don't they? Give a statement about the power of pictures and the chances of manipulation.

e) Present all your findings on a poster or PPP or a role play. Use all the pictures concerned in material a, b and e and hold a presentation in class.

f) Please answer the questionnaire at  "Review". Thanx

Task 2:

Many pupils (and parents and teachers and...) have their own account on some social network. The example pinpointed here is "facebook".

First, open <> in a second window (or tab). Now follow these steps:

a) Please read the important parts of the provided articels a - e at  "Sources".

b) Make a list of the dangers that you face as a member of facebook. Your focus should be on article a).

c) Present all your findings on a poster or PPP or a role play.

d) Please answer the questionnaire at  "Review". Thanx



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